Mas Información y Como Comprar

Términos Generales

  • Initial payment – 25% of the value of the art piece (For 7 days the piece has your name on it)
  • Payments through PayPal – ( ) or Venmo (@Zahava-Sherez)
  • Extra expenses such as transportation, insurance, etc. are not included in the price
  • The buyer has 15 days to return the piece of art as long as it is in its excellent original condition.
  • The return will be made only through UPS and insured. Buyer covers all expenses.

Términos de Pago

  • Initial payment 25%, fully returnable if the purchase is not finalized
  • Signed purchase contract requires another 25%
  • Ready to send to the client – 50% remaining and extra expenses.
zahava purchase inquiry